No.20/2011: Prime Minister approves of BIDV's equitization plan

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*Performing initial public offering (IPO) of shares in the year 2011. On 30/11/2011, the Prime Minister issued the Decision No 2124/QĐ-TTg approving plan of equitization of BIDV with following contents:

Equitization of BIDV bases on preserving current state capital and issuing more shares to increase charter capital in which the proportion of state ownership not less than 65% (through two stages that this number is 78% in first stage and more than 65% in the second stage)

Performing initial public offering of shares (IPO) in the year 2011; selling shares to employees and Union organization then converted into Commercial Joint Stock Bank. Afterall, BIDV will select foreign strategic investors, listing share price on domestic stock market, issuing and listing on international market in the right time.

Scale of charter capital and structure of issued shares: Charter capital of BIDV is 28,251,382,000 dongs, structure of issued shares as below:

(i) Total volume of issued shares in first stage is 22% of charter capital, in which: IPO takes 3% of charter capital; incentive sales for staffs: 1% of charter capital; Selling for Union organization: 3% of charter capital; Selling for foreign strategic investors: 15% of charter capital.

(ii) In second stage, BIDV will release more shares to foreign strategic investors with a total not exceed 20% of charter capital and to public, gradually reduce rate of state ownership to not less than 65% of charter capital until the year 2015.

BIDV will select one foreign strategic investor who can meet all the requirements of State Bank. Basically on its determination, BIDV will choose a famous international institution to take longterm commitment and help BIDV in managing business, controlling risks, developing services and products and applying advanced technologies. This foreign investor will be a part of organization of BIDV as regulated by law.

BIDV will choose the foreign investor with the support of Morgan Stanley financial advisory organization. During previos times, BIDV has joined in many meetings with community of investors and there were more than 40 financial institutions interested in opportunity of investment into BIDV after equitization process completed. Right after IPO, BIDV will take steps in selecting a foreign strategic investor and transform into commercial joint stock bank. This process will be conducted in accordance with international practices to ensure its effectiveness and transparency.

BIDV will conduct sell-by auction of IPO shares to the public  expected in the end of December 2011 with schedule as below:

Decide and announce value of enterpriseon 01/12/2011.

Inform official information about auction: on 02/12/2011.

- Roadshow in Hà Nội: 10/12/2011.

- Roadshow in TP. Hồ Chí Minh:on 11/12/2011.

Registered date of auction: on 21/12/2011.

Deadline of voting for auction: on 26/12/2011.

Date of auctionon 28/12/2011.

Sell shares to employees and union organization: before 31/12/2011.

Operate First shareholder’s meeting and transform into Commercial Joint Stock Bank:Quarter I/2012.

List on security exchange in Hồ Chí Minh citynot later than Quarter III/2012.

Sell shares to foreign strategic investors: within the year 2012.

Mr Trần Bắc Hà – Chairman of Member council of BIDV said: We considered to carry out equitization is an important step to develop BIDV into one financial Corporation which is bank of multi-ownerships, runs multi-sector business basing on international practices, being most qualified and effective financial institution in Vietnam ”.

Until 30/11/2011, total asset value of BIDV reaches to 403,000 billion dongs; mobiled capital at 247,000 billion dongs; credit  value at  268,200 billion dongs, complying with instruction of State Bank; Profit before tax reaches 4100 billion dongs; CAR reaches 10% as instruction of State Bank.






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