The loan is funded from the National Technology Innovation Fund and disbursed by BIDV.

The interest rates are preferential according to the regulation of the National Technology Innovation Fund from time to time.

    • Participants are enterprises implementing the projects as follows: 
      (i) Transferring, innovation, and improvement of technologies that are encouraged under the Law on Technology Transfer 
      (ii) Technology transfer, new product development and commercialization of products in the field of high-tech agriculture and high-tech industry approved by the Prime Minister
      (iii) Technological innovation, industrial product manufacturing on the list of supporting industrial products that are approved by the Prime Minister and given priortiy for development. 
      (iv) Implementing technology transfer contracts signed at technology exchanges, technology and equipment markets, events connecting technology supply and demand and national start-up days
      (v) Improving, innovating technology, developing new products, expanding production for creative startups and science and technology enterprises according to the law on science and technology
      (vi) Technological innovation activities for enterprises winning the National Quality Award and enterprises participating in the Productivity and Quality Improvement Program
      (vii) Receiving transfer, innovation, perfecting technology and especially commercializing technology after being developed in the National Product Program, National Technology Innovation Program, National Program High technology development and other national science and technology programs
    • The purpose of the loan is to provide medium and long-term investment loans, to pay reasonable expenses for the customer's project investment activities
    • The term of the loan is 84 months at maximum
    • Lending interest rates are as announced by the Fund from time to time (interest rate is from 3.5%/year - 6%/year currently)
    • Please contact the nearest BIDV Branch for more detailed information
  • Customer can access loan with preferential interest rates

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