Fast and accurate payments: Using CNY/VND or freely convertible currencies for transactions.

Competitive service fees and
exchange rates.

Modern payment systems with high security.

    • Introdution:General Information: It is a payment service for buying, selling, and exchanging goods and services in the border areas and economic zones at the border gates between Vietnam and China.
  • Fast and accurate payments in CNY/VND/convertible currencies
  • Competitive service fees and exchange rates: Helping businesses reduce costs
  • Modern payment system with high security: Ensuring timely payments, minimizing risks, and enhancing the customer's credibility with partners Easy transaction tracking

Flexible transactions: Conducted in
VND and foreign currencies, allowing
batch transfers, scheduled transfers,
and future-dated transfers.

Convenient multi-channel money 
transfers (counter, online channels)

    • Introduction: BIDV offers domestic money transfer services within Vietnam, providing customers with speed and convenience, Instant credit for recipients with accounts at BIDV, Interbank transfers 24/7 via accounts/cards to affiliated banks.
  • Executed in both VND and foreign currencies, offering batch transfers, list-based transfers, and future-dated transfers.
  • BIDV selects the most optimal payment channel based on each business transaction request, facilitating swift and convenient payment for goods/services with minimal costs.
  • Contact the nearest branch

Convenient multi-channel money
transfers (counter, online channels)

Support for businesses to control 
and optimize the time and cost of
international money transfer transactions.

Variety of foreign currencies.

Extensive network of bank branches
and agents.

    • Introduction:BIDV offers international money transfer services using the SWIFT GPI standard (Global Payments Innovation Initiative - a global payment innovation initiative by SWIFT) to enable customers to transfer/receive international funds quickly, accurately, and safely at competitive costs. Additionally, customers can conveniently track and monitor the entire process of their business's money transfer transactions.
  • BIDV boasts an extensive network of bank branches worldwide, facilitating international payments in over 120 different currencies.
  • Providing various payment support products: full amount payment services, fast money transfer services for low-value transactions.
  • Foreign exchange trading to meet payment needs at competitive exchange rates.
  • International money transfer inquiry feature: Customers can access detailed information such as processing time, fees charged, and settlement exchange rates at each participating bank including the sender's bank, intermediary bank, and recipient bank. Customers can inquire via BIDV iBank electronic banking channel or BIDV's website.
  • Value-added services: Contract consulting, partner market information provision, reconciliation.
  • Enhancing customer credibility with partners through fast and accurate payments.
  • Contributing to enhancing customer business efficiency by ensuring secure payments, mitigating risks, and reasonable costs.

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