BIDV's 2017 and 2018 dividend announcement

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On 25 October 2019, BIDV has informed the State Securities Commission, Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange and Hanoi Stock Exchange on the disclosure of BIDV's 2017 and 2018 dividend payment.

1. The bank announced it would pay 2017 and 2018 dividends in cash at a 7 percent rate (1 share receives VND700). Thus, total dividend in cash of the two years is at 14 percent rate per share (1 share receives VND1,400).

2. Registration deadline: 8 November 2019 (Friday).

3. Who receive dividends paid out?

All shareholders whose names on the list of securities owners on the last registration date have the right to receive 2017 and 2018 dividends in cash, except for the shareholders that have agreed not to receive 2017 and 2018 dividends.

4. Payment date: 12 December 2019 (Thursday).