BIDV announces the debt auction (Bach Giang)

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  1. Auctioned property:

1.1 Debt information: Debts in excess of lending business under credit contracts signed between Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam and Bach Giang Construction and Industrial ParkCo., Ltd. and Cao Nguyen commercial construction Co., Ltd. have total provisional outstanding balance as of 06/5/2021 as follows:

  1. Medium-term credit contract No. 00130/2007/0000872 of 11/05/2007 and Medium-term credit contract No. 01/4102004666/2012 of 25/12/2012, signed between Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam and Bach Giang Construction and Industrial ParkCo., Ltd. has a provisional outstanding balance as of 06/5/2021 of 236.724.634.787 VND  (Two hundred thirty-six billion seven hundred twenty-four sieve six hundred thirty-four thousand seven hundred eighty-seven dong),  of which:    
  • Principal balance: 97,364,806,300 VND
  • Outstanding interest: 139.359.828.487 VND
    1. Medium-term credit contract No. 00130/2007/0000874 of 11/05/2007 and Medium-term credit contract No. 01/0302396742/2012 of 25/12/2012 signed between Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam and Cao Nguyen commercial construction Co., Ltd. have a provisional outstanding balance as of 06/5/2021 242,047,854,389 VND (Two hundred and forty-five billion one hundred fifty-six million eight hundred and six thousand five hundred thirty-four dong), of which:  
  • Principal balance: 100,694,806,300 VND;
  • Interest balance: 144.462.000.234 VND;  

            Note: The interest on the debts will continue to arise from 07/5/2021 until pays off the loan principal at between Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam Nam Sai Gon Branch.

  1. Collateral for the above debt includes:

- Assets formed from loans are all land use rights and investment assets on land including the entire value of land use rights: both the value of compensation, ground clearance, infrastructure investment and other investment costs in Land Areas I, II, III and IV belong to Bach Giang Company under the Industrial residential area, quarter 4, Phuoc Long A Ward, District 9 approved under Decision 185/QD-UB of 15/01/2004 of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City V/v land recovery and temporary transfer, Decision No. 41/QD-UBND of 31/03/2011 of the People's Committee of District 9 on approving the detailed planning project (rate of 1/500) of Phuoc Long A ward housing area, District 9 and relevant legal documents (according to the Financial Proposal No. 01/2012/HDTCTS/1583111-62770 of 25/12/2012).

- The entire value of land use rights: both the value of compensation, ground clearance, infrastructure investment and other investment costs in the I5 and I7 land areas of Bach Giang Company under the Decision on land allocation No. 185/QD-UB of 15/01/2004 of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City. The location of zones I5 and I7 (68,514 m2) is determined according to the Dispatch No. 3141/QHKT-ĐB2 of 14/10/2004 of the Department of Planning and Architecture of Ho Chi Minh City. HO CHI MINH CITY (according to the Financial Proposal No. 116/2007/HD of 14/05/2007 and 117/2007/HD of 21/05/2007).       

- All benefits of Cao Nguyen Company are formed from loans and equity capital in the joint venture of investment – business projects investment in internal technical infrastructure of residential areas I5 and I7 residential area, Quarter 4, Phuoc Long A Ward, District 9 of Bach Giang Company under Joint Venture Contract No. 20/HDLD.07 of 06/03/2007 and Joint Venture Contract No. 49/HDLD.07 of 17/05/2007 (according to The Financial Proposal No. 117/2007/HD on 21/05/2007).        

* Legal projects and collaterals, Status of disputes/lawsuits: Detailed information related to debts, collateral, Status of disputes/lawsuits has been provided by BIDV to the auction service unit. Organizations/individuals wishing to purchase debts are requested to contact Ben Thanh Auction Company for details on auctioned assets.

  1. Property’s owner: Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam.

Address: BIDV Tower, No. 35 Hang Voi, Ly Thai To Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi city.  

  1. Property auction organization: Ben Thanh Auction Company

Address: 336 An Duong Vuong Street, Ward 4, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City

  1. Starting price:  385.370.744.132 VND  (In words: Three hundred eighty-five billion three hundred seventy million seven hundred forty-four thousand one hundred thirty-two dong), the above price does not include value-added tax and the court fee advance which BIDV has advanced in Court
  2. Reservation:   10% of  the starting price.
  3. Price step: 100,000,000 VND (Inwords: One hundred million dong even)
  4. File purchasement’s value: 500,000 VND /dossier.
  5. Time and place of sale and receiving dossiers of participation in property auction: From the date of listing the property auction to 17:00 on 18/5/2021 at 336 An Duong Vuong, Ward 4, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City - Tel: 028.66820690; 097.300.9390.
  6. Deadline for pre-payment: During office hours on  17,18, 19/5/2021, unless otherwise agreed upon by the property auction organizer and auction participant.

- Organizations and individuals eligible for participation in auctions shall submit valid auction participation dossiers and reservations to Ben Thanh Auction Company as prescribed.

  1. Property viewing time and location: From the date of listing the property auction to 17:00 on 18/5/2021 at the place where the property is located.
  2. Time and venue of the auction: At 14:30 on  20/5/2021 at 336 An Duong Vuong, Ward 4, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City.
  3. Auction form: Direct words at auction
  4. Auction method: The method of bid up.