BIDV Dong Ha Noi announces the selection of debt auction organization of Gia Hien Joint Stock Company

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The Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam – Dong Hanoi Branch hereby announces the selection of debt auction organization of Gia Hien Joint Stock Company as follows

1. Name, address of the auction debt owners: Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam – Dong Hanoi Branch.  

Address: No. 46 Cao Lo, Group 2, Dong Anh Town, Dong Anh District, Hanoi City.

2. Information of the debt:

- The debt of Gia Hien Joint Stock Company.

- Business Registration Certificate No. 0101305470 issued by Business Registration Division under Hanoi Authority for Planning and Investment on April 20, 2009 for the first registration, and on March 15, 2017 for the 2nd registration for change.

- Address:  Km 3, Highway 3, Mai Lam Commune, Dong Anh District, Hanoi City.

*  Debt amount temporarily estimated as of April 30, 2021 is VND 36,555,037,067, in which the principal is VND 23,376,265,067, due interest is VND 9,136,606,523 and overdue interest is VND 4,042,165,444.

* Collateral of the debt:

- Land use right and land-attached assets of Mr. Ha Van Bau under the Certificated of land use rights No. BC 464362, Reg. No. 3586.QĐ UBND.2010 CH.00530.2010 issued by Peoples’ Committee of Dong Anh District on August 10, 2010 at Sap Mai Hamlet, Vong La Commune, Dong Anh District, Hanoi City. Land parcel: 21(1), Map sheet No.: 41. Area: 735.2m2. Form of use: Private: 753,5m2, Shared: 0m2. Purpose of use: Rural residential land. Term: long-term

- Inventories and receivables of Gia Hien Joint Stock Company

3. Selection criteria:

Auction organizations must meet the criterion specified by Clause 4, Article 56 of the Law on Asset Auction and the other following criteria:

- Having property auction function.

- Having the minimum operating time of 03 years.

- Having at least 03 auctioneers.

- Having at least 03 branches/ representative offices.

- Other criteria as required by BIDV.

4. Expected reserve price: All principal, interest and fees (if any) at the time of signing the debt auction contract (Provisional value as of April 30, 2021 is VND 36,555,037,067)

5. Deadline for application submission:

The deadline for application is within 07 days from the date of notification (documents sent by post office is from the date on the postmark, provided that BIDV - Dong Hanoi shall receive documents within 09 days from the date of notification)

6. Application includes:

- Legal documents; company capacity and experience profile, and auction plan.

- Price quotation letters and other commitments of the auction organization (if any).

7. Place of submission:

- Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam – Dong Hanoi Branch - Contact: Mr. Le Trong Quang – Head of Corporate Customer Division No.5 (Email:; Tel.: 0243.965668(763)/ 0903.445.052).

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