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1. Information of The Debt:
- Name of the property that would be auctioned: Debt of Do Thanh Invesment Group Corporation at Ben Nghe Branch.
- Name of The Collateral: Land use Rightat land lot No. 231, map sheet No. 30 According to Certificate of land use Right NoAK040461, in the certificate of issuance book T00021, issued by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Lam Dong province on November1st, 2007 for Truc Phuong Corporation
+ Land:
Acreage: 23.154 m2
Land lot Number: 231 Map No: 30 (BĐĐC 2002)
Form of use: Private use: 23.154 m2;
Purpose of use: land for production and business establishments (implementation of Truc Phuong - Madagui resort and entertainment project)
Time of use: to Nov 11th 2057
+ Asset attached to land:./.
Secured property owner: Truc Phuong Corporation
- Beginning-price: equal to the entire principal balance, interest balance and overdue penalty fees of the debt by the time BIDV signs the debt auction service contract. (temporarily as of Oct 10th 2022, is 34.457.273.973 VND (In word: Thirty-four billions, four hundreds fifty-seven millions, two hundreds seventy - three thousands, nine hundreds seventy - three Viet Nam Dong)
2. Deadline for application submission:
The deadline for direct application submission is 10 days from the date of notification (date of documents submitted by post shall be determined by postmark but must be delivered to BIDV Ben Nghe no later than 10 days from the date of notification).
3. Address for application submission:
- Risk Management Department - Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam- Ben Nghe Branch, 34 Nguyen Thi Dieu Street, District 3, HCMC.
- Contact for detail:
+ Mr. Hoang Xuan Tinh – Head of Risk Management Department (email: tinhhx@bidv.com.vn)
+Mr. Nguyen Vuong Huy – Supervisor Risk Management Department (email: huynv3@bidv.com.vn).
Tel.: 84 (8) 39 306 718
4. Criteria for selection:
- The auction organization must have the necessary facilities and equipment to secure the auction for the type of property to be auctioned.
- The auction plan must be feasible and effective.
- Capacity, experience and reputation of the auction organization.
- Remuneration for auction services, appropriate costs of property auction.
- Be on the list of property auction organizations announced by the Ministry of Justice.
- The operation period is at least 3 years.
- There are at least 03 auctioneers.
5. Application:
- Legal documents of the enterprise.
- The company profile.
- An offer letter, relevant documents according to Section 4 of this Notice, and other commitments of the auction organization (if any).
- Information sheet (according to the form of BIDV Ben Nghe). The asset auction organization is fully responsible for the information it provides.
* Note:
- The registration documents will be automatically invalidated in case of the auction organization is not allowed to auction according to the provisions of law.
- BIDV Ben Nghe will send a written notice of the results to the selected auction organization, those units that are not notified of the results will be considered unselected, and BIDV Ben Nghe will not return the documents to those unselected units.
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