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The story of 30 years ago
At that time, such terms as brand, logo, class, marketing, etc. were still unfamiliar to the banking sector in general and BIDV in particular (it was assumed that those terms were for goods and services only). The story started in 1992, during a meeting between BIDV and PUBLIC Bank, discussing the opening of a joint venture bank, which covered logo selection so as to show the images of both banks. Malaysia side proposed their logo. In that situation, Mr. Nguyen Van Doan (BOD Chairman) ecstatically sketched out BIDV’s logo design. As an engineer, with 4 letters B, I, D, V, he immediately blended and created a simple, clear, strong logo in blue, red and yellow. From that, the logo of VID - PUBLIC Bank joint venture bank was born. Everything was quick and simple. Following the meeting, Mr. Doan announced the logo of BIDV. No consultation, selection, adjustment, or legal decision was required (Later on, I always regretted it. If only it was carried out more carefully from concepts to design, shapes, colors, etc., it would be great).
Since then, the logo has appeared on business cards, documents, vouchers, calendars, souvenirs, gifts, conference banners, bank signs, billboards, etc., even in Laos, Malaysia, on the board meeting table of the joint-venture bank, especially on the traditional flag of BIDV. On this flag were hundreds of medals and noble prizes awarded by the State to the BIDV system, as an indelible mark.
Red boat - blue sail
On the occasion of its 40th anniversary (26 April 1997), there was a short poem titled “Red Boat, Blue Sail” on BIDV’s newsletter. Oh my! How young people can have such creative thinking about logo: The letter V was the red boat, the stylized B was the blue sail
“Red boat, blue sail
Going through deep rivers, waterfalls...”
The poem was simple but immediately went viral. Although later on, many people may forget the author’s name, Ms. Thuy from Legal department, but the image of red boat and blue sail became familiar and appeared frequently in articles, poems, newsletters… as a symbol, a pride. I still remember Mr. Ta Van Khuyen, Doan Van Nghe, Le Xuan Dam and many retired staff who had lots of poems and articles about this image, as an inconsolable nostalgia.
I kept thinking about that image. BIDV boat has overcome many ups and downs on its journey. The boat was associated with steadfast and seasoned captains and the brave and resilient BIDV crew (tens of thousands of employees) who joined hands to overcome challenges with “thousand hands, one heart”.
Blue sail was an aspiration and bravery to cope with storms. The wind-stretched sail brought the boat forward to the sea: Red boat, blue sail seemed to accurately reflect the journey of BIDV then. The boat connected BIDV with friends, with the world. The boat carried aspirations, beliefs and determination of the whole system, customers and partners, who shared the same journey, same goal, and same destination.
Did the sail remind us of the famous Russian poem “Rebellious, it seeks out a storm. As if in storms it could find peace.” The boat was the image in Alexay Kron’s maxim “Stumbling but not sinking”, which evoked a talented young generation, daring to think, daring to commit, daring to take challenges.
Oh my! Surely the logo designer could not have imagined such a romantic image.
From a letter to an idea of reform
In 2002, I received a letter from a customer. He said that he had retired and deposited money at BIDV for years. He praised BIDV’s logo for being beautiful, simple and clear, but also suggested 4 adjustments:
- The shape was not perfect because the V was pointed down, representing uncertainty
- The colors did not match the feng-shui of money business
- The message from the logo was not clear, especially the meaning of each element, thus people thought it was just a combination of 4 letters
- For BIDV phrase, it had better to put V at the top (symbolizing the name of our nation)
I felt so moved and wrote a gratitude letter to him. He must like BIDV so much to think about it so thoroughly.
After that, when I retired, I passed the letter to Mr. Bac Ha “This is a big challenge, please continue”. Mr. Ha was very interested and I remember that BIDV held a contest system-wide to collect creative ideas to modify the logo and slogan. The contest was enthusiastically responded by staff, especially young people, and even attracted some artists. I don’t remember in details, but only know that after that, two specific products were released:
- The logo which was edited, resized, in which the four letters BIDV were pushed up to look more solid and bold.
- The new slogan was “Share opportunities, share success”. The new slogan showed strong innovation, affirming BIDV as a commercial bank which had close cooperation with its customers and partners.
I heard many customers, BIDV staff, even retired staff, praised the new Logo and Slogan for being beautiful and humane, especially when it was translated into English. During 15 years, when BIDV saw strong development and integration, the new logo and slogan shined with BIDV’s brand positioning, level increasing. The new logo and slogan were present at thousands of transaction points across the country, reaching out to BIDV’s foreign commercial presence in Russia, Czech Republic, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Taiwan (China), Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong (China), etc. It connected tens of millions of individual and corporate customers to convey the message of a strong, reliable BIDV, with a commitment for mutual engagement, sharing, cooperation, accompanion and development.
BIDV’s logo on top of BIDV Tower
BIDV’s logo was also present on the banners of seminars, investment promotion conferences, or at signing ceremonies at home and abroad, on the streets of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to celebrate great ceremonies of the country, or on social security programs, on schoolbags, swimming buoys and schools in remote and mountainous areas. BIDV’s staffs were confident and proud to wear uniforms and nameplates with the logo thereon as a bold mark in the community.
But in the 20s of the 21st century, it seemed that the boat and sail became small and fragile, not strong enough to carry our desire to go further, higher... And should we dream of a larger ship rising waves to the sea?
Robust innovation, why not?
BIDV’s logo and slogan had accompanied and shined for 30 years through various stages of development. From innovation, to restructuring, to sustainable development and integration, BIDV brand was positioned in the financial and banking market regionally and globally. Entering the third decade of the 21st century, from the 13th Party Congress, the country has changed strongly into a new stage of development. In that flow, like its peers, BIDV also moves to a stage of sustainable development and deeper integration, with challenging goals: BIDV must be one of the leading strong brands in the domestic financial market, place itself in the top of strong brands, be valued and constantly be upgraded in the regional and global financial markets. Higher goal, bigger challenge. But it is also an opportunity, a necessity, an order, a condition for existence and development. BIDV’s in the hearts of its employees, customers, partners, friends, investors and community must become more and more beautiful, robust and reliable.
Is that why we would never hesitate to confidently change ourselves, from organizational structures, operating models, technology, etc. and our logo and slogan to become more aligned with long-term goals, aspirations, modern technology, more suitable for not only a joint-stock commercial bank but also a public company acting as a financial group. Change may not be perfect immediately, but it will definitely be better. The new logo will show the solid foundation of 65 years of establishment and development of a fresh, young and strong BIDV which fosters innovation, but still embraces tradition and humanity. The slogan represents the great business philosophy that BIDV has always pursued, the strong commitment to customers, investors, employees and community.
At this 65-year milestone, we have perfect conditions, aspirations, advantages and determination to change. The determination comes from top management, key staff, and the high consensus of 25,000 employees, so that BIDV’s logo and slogan forever is a part of BIDV, messenger of connection, pride and nostalgia of each BIDV staff, customers and friends.
30 years ago, older generation couldn’t think about that, but now we are excited to receive good things. Like the lyrics “Like a dream” and “Beyond a dream”.
© 2018 Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV)
BIDV Tower, 194 Tran Quang Khai, Hoan Kiem, Ha Noi
Receiving phone number: 19009247 (Personal)/ 19009248 (Business)/(+84-24) 22200588 - Fax: (+84-24) 22200399
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