Exchange rate: Competitive
exchange rate

Technology: quick transactions
on all technology platforms

Transaction procedures: fast
and convenient

    • A spot contract is a transaction in which BIDV and the customer commits to buy and sell an amount of one currency for another at the exchange rate determined at the time of the transaction and the payment date is within 02 (two) working days from the date of transaction
  • Exchange rates: Competitive exchange rates and meet a variety of customer transaction needs.
  • Technology: BIDV provides online technology platforms to serve customers with quick transactions such as iBank (for corporate customers) and Smartbanking (for industrial customers)
  • Transaction procedures are quick and convenient which meet customers' immediate needs

Hedging FX risk: Prevent
exchange rate fluctuation risks.

Cash flow control: Helps 
Customers control cash flow and 
budget planning

Technology: quick transactions
on all technology platforms

    • A forward contract is a transaction in which BIDV and the customer commits to buy and sell an amount of one currency for another currency at the exchange rate determined at the time of the transaction and the payment date is 03 (three) working days or more from the transaction date (transaction term).
    • Transaction term:
      • Conversion transactions between foreign currencies: According to agreement between BIDV and the customer.
      • Transactions between foreign currencies against VND: from 3 working days to 365 days.
  • Customers can effectively prevent exchange rate risks by conducting FX forward  transactions
  • Customers proactively build and control cash flow and plan budgets to suit their business situation.
  • Technology: BIDV provides online technology platforms to serve customers with quick transactions on the iBank program for corporate customers.

Interest rate: take advantage of
interest rates between two

Hedging: an effective hedging
tool for exchange rate risk

Technology: quick transactions
on all technology platforms

Capital: flexible use of capital

    • A swap contract is a transaction between BIDV and a customer, including buy and sell transaction of the same amount of one currency for another currency with the exchange rate of the two transactions determined at the time of the transaction and the payment date which dates are different.
    • A swap transaction consists of two spot transactions or two forward transactions or one spot transaction and one forward transaction.
  • Customers can effectively prevent exchange rate risks by conducting foreign currency swap transactions
  • Technology: BIDV provides online Technology platforms to serve Customers with quick transactions on the iBank program for corporate customers.
  • Customers can flexibly use capital to suit their business situation
  • Customers have the opportunity to take advantage of exchange rate spread between two currencies

Market opportunities: unlimited
profitability and market 

Costs: predetermined costs

Hedging: a hedging tool for 
exchange rate risk 

    • A transaction between BIDV and the Customer in which the buyer pays the seller the option purchase price to have the right but not the obligation to buy or sell an amount of one foreign currency for another within a period of time determined by both parties that followed agreement at a strike rate determined at the time of transaction and settlement at a future date. If the buyer chooses to exercise the right, the seller must perform the obligations according to the commitment.
    • In options trading, the option to sell one currency (Put option) is also the option to buy another currency (Call option).
  • Customers can take full advantage of market opportunities to increase the profit  of foreign currency options trading
  • Customers pre-determine the cost of exercising options and prevent risks when exchange rates fluctuate.

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