To ensure safety and security in online transactions, and secure compliance with SBV’s Decision No. 2345/QD-NHNN, BIDV launches “Biometric setting” and applies biometric authentication on BIDV SmartBanking.

What is biometric?

According to Clause 3, Article 3 of the Law on Identity 2023, biometric identifiers mean biometric or biological characteristics that are distinctive and stable of a person, used to identify and distinguish such person from another one, such as face, finger print, iris, etc. Therefore, biometric data is the unique identifier of an individual. No one has the same identifier as any other people, including twins. Currently, biometrics of citizens have been collected and stored by the Ministry of Public Security in each citizen’s chip-based citizen ID card. 

Why is biometric setting required?

According to Decision No. 2345/QD-NHNN, from 1 July 2024, customers who make transactions exceeding the limit prescribed by the SBV or make the first transaction after BIDV SmartBanking installation and re-installation on a new device will have to carry out facial biometric authentication.

In particular, for any transfer transactions of over VND 10 million or multiple transactions of less than VND 10 million adding up to VND 20 million or more a day, customers have to make facial authentication for the subsequent transfer transaction on that day. For transfer transactions under VND 10 million or multiple transactions totaling less than VND 20 million/day, normal authentication using Smart/SMS OTP is enough.

In addition, according to Article 2 of Decision No. 2345/QD-NHNN, individual customers who use a banking app (mobile banking) for their first transaction or who make a transaction on a device other than the current device will also have to make biometric authentication.

Therefore, BIDV’s customers need to install and verify their biometrics with the Ministry of Public Security before 1 July 2024 to ensure secured and smooth transactions.

Benefits of biometric authentication on BIDV SmartBanking:

  • Improved safety and security: Using customer’s biometrics authenticated with the Ministry of Public Security to make transactions, encrypt and protect customer information against cybercrime risks.

  • Seamless and smooth transactions: According to Decision No. 2345/QD-NHNN, from 1 July 2024, customers must carry out facial authentication to make transactions. Thus, to avoid interruptions, customers need to complete biometric authentication setting as soon as possible by 1 July 2024.

Guidance for biometric setting on BIDV SmartBanking

Please prepare your chip-based citizen ID card, access “Biometrics Setting” on the latest version of BIDV Smartbanking and take the following steps for simple settings:

Otherwise, please visit the nearest BIDV branch for support.

3 biometric authentication steps on BIDV SmartBanking

  • Step 1: Enter transaction information as usual (amount, recipient, beneficiary bank, etc.)

  • Step 2: For transactions exceeding limit as prescribed by SBV, BIDV SmartBanking will turn on camera for facial authentication.

  • Step 3: Enter Smart/SMS OTP to complete the transaction.

Guidance for biometric setting and authentication on BIDV SmartBanking


  • Please update your biometric data only via BIDV SmartBanking or at BIDV’s branches nation-wide. Otherwise, BIDV may contact customers via the following phone numbers for further guidance: 0822808588/ 0763238588/ 0357638588/ 0334282388/ 0849351080/ 0766151080/ 0358201080.

  • To avoid forgeries/frauds, please DO NOT update your biometrics via any other website or app.  

  • BIDV never requires customers to provide OTP, password, card number, security code, etc. via phone call or link. 

For detailed information, please contact the nearest BIDV branch or BIDV Call Center via Hotline 1900 9247.


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